Cave Guessers – Press Kit
We Develop Games with Creative Gameplay

Release Date
07 October, 2022
EUR €3.99
GBP £3.99
After Acureus’ huge success with Draw & Guess, the team set to work on its new game in May 2022. Inspired by boardgames they used to play as friends, and enthused to digitalize their fun experiences, they managed to release the original Cave Guessers game in 8 different langauges after only 5 month of development time! Additional modes are scheduled for the future!
• Play with up to 16 players
• Four game modes:
Break it down: A player uses only basic concepts and more specific attributes to describe their prompts. All others see the selected concepts and try to guess the word.
What’s that tune? Players choose a song to recompose for other players. Those try to recognize the song solely based on the melody submitted.
Shadow on the Wall: One player only uses shadow and light shapes to cast images on the cave wall. All others try to guess the prompt based on the shadow image they see.
Watch your words: Players try to simply describe their prompt – without using any of the forbidden words. With each description being set in stone, corrections are impossible. Another player keeps an eye on the describing player, making sure they don’t break any rules.
One or None: Everyone knows the prompt except the main player. The latter receives one-word hints from their fellow players that should help them find the correct prompt. Things become a bit more tricky when players submit hints that are too similar. Those are removed, and the guessing player might end up with just a single or even no hint at all.
• In-game editor to create your own custom wordlists, if default lists are not enough
• Customise game mode settings and create your very own tournament to battle for first place
Launch Trailer: YouTube
